Crashworthiness Law

Crashworthiness Lawyer in Lubbock, TX

Lawsuits against Auto Manufacturers for Crashworthiness

Davis Smith is involved in several Cases against Auto Manufacturers due to design defect that led to serious traumatic brain injuries and paralysis.  We have successfully handled these Cases are are ready to evaluate others.  If you or a loved one has suffered serious brain injury or paralysis in a Car Wreck please contact us for a free evaluation.  

What are the standards in determining the crashworthiness of a vehicle?  
Crashworthiness is the ability of a vehicle to prevent injuries to the occupants in the event of a collision. Crashworthiness deals primarily with the secondary collision in which the driver and passengers collide against the interior of the vehicle. The cause of the accident is usually considered irrelevant in crashworthiness cases. 

Two important questions to consider when determining crashworthiness are:

  1. Could the vehicle occupants have fared better?
  2. Could some feature that was lacking in the vehicle have reduced the occupants' injuries

Vehicle Defects

Crashworthiness cases typically involve injuries that are sustained as a result of a defect in a vehicle. There are three types of product defects that can lead to injury:

  • Manufacturing defects—where injury occurs when there is a flaw in the manufacturing process. For example, failure to include an airbag when the design calls for it is a manufacturing defect.
  • Design defects—where injury occurs when a vehicle is unsafe because of the manufacturer's design. For example, a fuel tank placed in a location that makes it likely to explode upon impact is a design defect.
  • Failure to warn—where injury occurs when the manufacturer is aware of a dangerous aspect of a vehicle but fails to warn or provide adequate warning to consumers.

Our crashworthiness attorneys can help

Parties hurt in car accidents where the automobile manufacturer has failed to produce a crashworthy vehicle by selling vehicles with defective or faulty components should contact an experienced crashworthiness attorney to evaluate the situation and determine if a lawsuit can be brought against negligent manufacturers.

The Gorilla Law Firm has the kind of experience and proven results in crashworthiness cases that you need.

What People Are Saying About THE GORILLA LAW FIRM

  • “Saying 'I would recommend Davis' is an understatement.”
    I wouldn't consider using another attorney for myself or a loved one if ever in this situation again. THANK YOU Davis for taking such good care of my wife and our family during such a difficult time.
    - Robin C.
  • “Go to The Gorilla”
    The best lawyer to go to in Lubbock for resolving a car accident is The Gorilla Law won't be disappointed!
    - Sarah S.
  • “The Gorilla Law Firm is one the best law firms in Lubbock.”
    A year ago I got into a car crash with a drunk driver and I received my settlement in a timely manner.
    - Bella M.